Apply Today for a Ewing's Sarcoma Research Grant

Dedicated funds are available for a one-year grant through the generosity of The Charlie Landers Foundation to support Pediatric Ewing’s sarcoma research. This award includes the potential for a second year of funding based on demonstrated progress and the joint approval of the Boards of Directors of The Charlie Landers Foundation.

people gathered together at a CL7 fundraiser
Event photo of from the charlie landers foundation
Charlie with his dad on the baseball field
Charlie ringing bell
Comfort kits being delivered
Comfort kits delivered by The Charlie Landers Foundation to a local hospital
Comfort Kits Being Prepared
CL7 5k Fundraiser Run
Golf Outing Reception
Charlie in Hospital
Charlie with his dad on the baseball field
CL7 Golf Table Decoration
Charlie Owning the Mound
Central Park NYC run organized by the Charlie Landers Foundation
CL7 Board Members
Landers family picture
Ladies golfing at CL7 Fundraiser
Ewing's Sarcoma Researchers speaking at CL7 Event
Mark Landers giving speech at CL7 Fundraising Event
Charlie Pitching
Ewing's Sarcoma Dr speaking at CL7 Fundraising Event
CL7 Comfort Kits
Ewing's Sarcoma Dr speaking at CL7 Fundraising Event
CL7 Field Dedication in Franklin Lakes New JerseyCL7 Field Dedication in Franklin Lakes New Jersey

What We Will Fund

Innovative and transformative pre-clinical, translational, and clinical research, that has the potential to immediately impact the lives of Ewing sarcoma patients.


  • The Charlie Landers Foundation invites both new and established researchers to apply.

  • Applicants must have their MD, PhD, or dual MD PhD.

  • Established researchers should detail how their project differs from previously sponsored studies when requesting funding.

  • The application must distinctly show that new funding will not duplicate existing support.

  • New projects may be an extension of existing work but cannot overlap any sponsored studies.

  • Funds must be granted to nonprofit institutions or organizations operating in the U.S.

  • Researchers need not be United States citizens.


  • Grants range from $20,000-$150,000 with a period of performance of one year.

  • An interim progress report will be required approximately six months following the start date of the award, and a final progress report will be due one month following the end date of the award.

  • If sufficient progress has been demonstrated, the awardee will have the option of a second year of funding with an additional $20,000-$150,000 if approved by the medical advisory board.

  • Indirect costs are not permitted.

  • Budget items may include salary, fringe, travel, supplies and small pieces of equipment (less than $10,000).

Submission Process and Due Dates

  • All proposals must be combined into a single PDF and submitted via the form at the bottom of this page.

  • Application Deadline: 1/24/2025

  • Announcement of Recipient: 3/28/25

  • Start of Grant: July 1, 2025

  • Questions regarding applications should be directed to:

Application Submission Guidelines

Please include the following information using NIH grant guidelines:

  • Cover Page (1 page)

  • Title of Project

  • Institution

  • PI (s)

  • Contact information, Address, Key Contact Person

  • NIH Biographical Sketches for Key Study Personnel

  • Include Biosketch for PI(s), as well as trainees (residents, fellows) who will be directly involved in research project.

  • Lay and Scientific Abstract (1 page)

  • Lay summary of specific research project for which funds are sought (1/2 page)

  • Summary of specific research project for scientific audience (1/2 page)

  • Research Plan (4 pages)

  • Specific Aims

  • Significance and Impact

  • Approach

  • Anticipated Timeline for Research

  • Literature Cited

  • Budget and Brief Justification (1 page)

  • See below for example template

  • Ok to use institutional template if preferred

  • Please list and/or describe any other sources of active and/or pending grant support

  • Collaborators and/or Consultants

  • Include any appropriate letters from individuals confirming their roles in the project.

Application Form

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Application PDF Upload *
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About The Charlie Landers Foundation

The Charlie Landers Foundation is committed to improving the prognosis and quality of life for those affected by Ewing’s sarcoma by funding groundbreaking research, offering direct patient support, and raising awareness about this rare and underfunded form of pediatric cancer.

In our first year we allocated over $350k to four high impact grants in the ongoing search of a cure. Our next fundraising target is to raise $400,000 for our 2024 grant cycle.

Logo of The Charlie Landers Foundation